Empowering Women and Girls

Soroptimist Ruby Award: Women Helping Women

This award honors women who, through their professional or personal efforts, are working to improve the lives of other women or girls. We honor those that have had a significant impact and also inspire and encourage other women.
We believe it is important to acknowledge the efforts and accomplishments of those in the community that meet the following criteria:
Consistently and effectively used resources, talents and influence to help other women achieve their potential, as a result:
• Has helped to eliminate economic, legal, social or political discrimination against women
• Has contributed to the improvement of the status of women in society
Made outstanding achievements in her professional, business or volunteer activities, and is an ideal role model for women, having:
• Demonstrated exemplary character and integrity
• Proven leadership
Has been particularly active and successful in initiating, supporting, or advocating programs that advance the status of women and promotes recognition of women’s issues, including but not limited to:
• Employment policies, scholarships and grants in support of women
• Advocacy on behalf of the improvement of women’s status
• Support of programs such as shelters for women, career counseling or low income day-care centers
We appreciate your participation in our effort to acknowledge women who are making differences in the lives of other women. This program allows us to say "thank you" and encourage others to explore ways to assist women.
For more information, please contact the following Soroptimist:
Teresa Just 801-425-8250 or Email mikeandtj@msn.com
Mail to:
Soroptimist International of Salt Lake
P.O. Box 571021
Salt Lake City, UT 84157-1021
Click here to print a Nomination Form: