Empowering Women and Girls

Live Your Dream Award
Meet our 2021 Live Your Dream Award winners

Heather Day - 1st Place and 3rd Place Rocky Mountain Region!
Heather is attending Mountainland Technical College and studying to become a Medical Technician. She has 5 children and one grandchild. She says that doctors, nurses and others have inspired her to pursue this career. Heather was awarded $2500 toward achieving her goal. She was awarded an additional $2500 as the third place winner in Rocky Mountain Region. Congratulations, Heather!

Tracy LaVelle - 2nd Place
Tracy has 7 children and attends Ameritech College. She is pursuing an associates degree in Nursing & plans to continue to a Bachelor’s Degree. She chose nursing because she thinks it is a meaningful career. She was awarded $2000,
Amanda Smith - 3rd Place

Amanda is supporting her husband and 3 year old child. She is attending Utah Valley
University and studying Education. She wants to complete a Secondary Education degree with a goal of teaching middle or high school English. She believes that this career path will allow her the opportunity to be a role model to others. Amanda was awarded $2000.
Kristy Nebeker - 4th Place
Kristy has 5 kids and attends Fortis College. She is working on an Associate degree in Nursing. She has wanted to be a
nurse since she was a little girl. She was awarded $1500 to help her achieve that dream.
Meet our 2021 Jeanne's Happy Heart Award winners
Our honorees, Marialice Zegarra and Joanne Milien, were each awarded $1000
Marialice Zegarra desires to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management. “I have experienced trauma that has heightened my sensitivity for others. I see a great need for compassion and have a desire to be a more positive force in society. This bachelor’s degree will provide several avenues of opportunity. One is to open a non-profit to help educate, comfort and provide assistance in securing grave markers for suicide and baby deaths that insurance will not pay. I am interested in connecting resources through a variety of social media platforms. If I am employed in a corporate setting, I want to give to and/or create a support system for breaking the chain of negative cycles of abuse. Thank you so much for the award, it is truly appreciated and will help me achieve my goals.”
Joanne says she is honored to be one of the recipients to receive “Jeanne’s Happy Heart” award. “Your generous contribution will allow me to keep pursuing my undergrad in health science degree at Salt Lake Community College. I am currently enrolled in Radiology Technology with a focus on Ultrasound. I actively participate in helping the elderly at care
centers in my spare time. I plan to graduate in May 2024. I will pursue a career in the hospital as an Ultrasound Technician. I will use knowledge, skills, and expertise I gained during my time at the college to contribute to the Hospital community after graduation. This award will help me to focus on my academic pursuits. Without your donation I would not be able to
achieve the necessary grades to fulfill my professional ambitions. Thank you for investing in my future.”